At St Mary’s we seek to be followers of Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit, the Bible and a focus on the mission of God.
- We belong to the Church of England, the Diocese of Bristol and the Swindon Deanery.
Our vision:
To be a local church of people who wholeheartedly believe and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our focus:
'Creating Communities of Wholeness with Christ at the Centre'
This will happen as God’s people are renewed and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, living out the word of God in every aspect of life as disciples of Christ, leading others also to know Him. We support and care for people as we seek and pray for healing and to discover life in all its fullness.
Our identity:
We are:
- Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Called to worship him and bring the life of his kingdom into the world.
- Citizens of the Kingdom of God and members of St Mary’s.
This means that living and working in partnership with other Christian churches and agencies is a crucial part of our identity.
The mission statement of St Mary’s PCC
To live together as a community which demonstrates the love of Christ through our relationships with each other.
To plan and work strategically together under God’s guidance in order to draw others to faith in Christ and to bless the community through a growth in God’s Kingdom. In our prayer life, to hold before God the needs of the church, the world, and the community, giving thanks for signs of his kingdom.
To support and equip every member of the church in their personal calling to serve God in the world, enabling each person to live as a committed disciple of Jesus and to witness to their personal experience of God’s work in their life.